The Surface Pro | Apple Take Notes

Mac Hooper
2 min readSep 29, 2020


The MacBook has reigned over the laptop world for a long time now, for designers and other creatives the wide array of software that is not only supported but almost favoured on mac definitely provides you a good reason to purchase one, as for developers the unix environment provides total control over the device while still feeling like a premium machine with a well crafted OS.

Photo by Christian Bouvier on Unsplash

However there is one thing the surface does which I personally would love to see on the MacBook Pro and that is a convertible 2 in 1, i.e. the ability to fold the screen back on itself and use it as a drawing tablet with the Apple Pencil.

I know that I can just get an iPad and connect it as a second display using sidecar and then I have a graphics tablet within my iPad however I don’t always want to have to carry two devices.

The iPad is a great alternative to the MacBook, especially for creatives, most Apps availible on mac are also availible on iPad, the major problem being that you cannot run a full Unix enviroment on an iPad so for someone who designs and develops you’re forced to either have 2 devices or limit yourself slightly with the lack of Unix commands.

I feel it would be in Apple’s best interest to provide a product that has the specs of a MacBook Pro and the touch screen of an iPad that can be folded in half and used like a drawing pad.

Imagine such a device for people like Game Developers and Web Designers/Developers, you could start your project on your MacBook and end it on your MacBook, no need to hook up an iPad to draw your 3D models or sketch out your website drafts, just fold the MacBook in half and start drawing, then when it comes time to develop you can unfold the MacBook, open up your terminal and start working on the code side of things.

